Oct 31, 2020

Tony's New Life

Back in Island Paradise, Tony kept in touch with Adaeze Min and, thoug their romance had ended, their online conversations made him glad, balanced and kept him far from bars. 

Already recovered, Tony took a break at his houseboat and did only the things that entertained him and relaxed him.

Like sculpting...



And windsurfing.

He started to spend more time with Jean, his son and Jeannine's.

And he went back to diving, facing, at his return, a monster of the caves 

"Let's get the hell out of here!"

He continued practicing Martial Arts.

And took long breaks at the beach.

Sometimes Adaeze called him to entrust him some quest, and Tony wouldn't hesitate, he ran to Shang Simla, knowing before hand that their relationship would be strictly business this time.

It seemed like he had finally forgotten Cassandra and was starting to be happy. He had a new life now, but, as it's typical of Tony, he started to feel lonely...

That was when he met Tamika...

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