Nov 7, 2020

Tony Meets Dean Lothario

After breaking up with Tamika, Tony promised himself not to start any relationship again until he was completely sure of his feelings, and above all, that he had completely forgotten Cassandra.

Meanwhile, Cassandra went on with her life, which was most peaceful. Taking care of Bradley, boat ride with him around the Island while Dean was on his business trips and both prepared everything for their wedding. For her everything was going smoothly.

While Tony was confined to his house for months, going out just to report for his diving work at the Island Paradise Island City Hall.

Finally, after a few days of depression, he returned to Shang Simla in the hope of seeing Adaeze Min and, at least, be able to talk to her as a friend. But he was met with the news that Adaeze had gotten married with someone from the town, luckily no one he would know or had a friendship with.

As he was lonely now at the Thyme House, Tony didn't have any other option but to dedicate himself to meditation. Perhaps he would end up turning into a monk? by the direction his love life had taken, apparently yes.

But neither his comfortable home, nor the silence of the Shang Simla mountains, nor the long hours of meditation could bring him peace. In his mind there was only one thing, or rather, one person: Cassandra.

Worried about his father's mental health, Daniel traveled to Shang Simla to visit him, he stayed at the tourist camp and called him from there to talk to him. Tony explained him how he felt about Cassandra's wedding plans and asked him if he agreed with her marrying Dean.

"Dad, my mom is a grown up woman, she decides about her life. I can't interfere, like I didn't interfere with any of your marriages".
"That was different."
"Why, cause you're a man and she's a woman? Dad, please."
"That's not what I'm talking about that. I'm talking about the Lotharios in particular, they're not what you could call a model family".

"Neither was Scarlet's family, and still you married her".
"Scarlet was a good person, but Dean - I have a bad feeling about him".
"If Dean is a bad person, mom would realize sooner or later. She's an intelligent woman, she would be able to deal with it, you don't have to protect her anymore, Dad".
"You don't get it, Dan, I still love her".
"And she loves you, that's obvious. But suffered a lot already, now she made her decision ande there's nothing you can do about it, just - accept that you ruined it and move on".

"Accept that you ruined it and move on". Cruel, yet wise words which Tony accepted without an argument. Daniel was right, but "moving on" like he suggested wasn't an easy task. That night he stayed at the camp to try to pacify his mind through reading and meditation.

The next day, as he was leaving the camp, he had an unexpected encounter.
"Tony Langerak? I'm Dean Lothario, can we talk?"
"(Gosh, this can't be happening...)". 
From all people that could stay at the tourist camp, he had to run into Cassandra's fiancee, what were the odds?

They didn't talk much at that time. Tony apologized saying he was in a hurry, that he was glad to meet him and all that and left. But then they met again at the Martial Arts Academy. There Tony had the oppportunity to get to know Dean better. He wasn't a bad guy, in fact they shared a fondness for adventure and business. (And, obviously, they had the same taste in women, didn't they?). Anyway, Tony was polite with him, but did not go deeper into the conversation.

And when Dean left, he tried to forget about their encounter, focusing in his training.

But while he practiced, His frustration was growing as he thought about how wrong he had been about Dean. He wasn't a criminal, but a normal person. He was strong, good looking, well educated... A rival in every sense of the word. He said he loved Cassandra with all his heart, he promised he would make her happy, as Cassandra seeemd to be!

It was a fact, Dean had won Cassandra's heart, but for some reason, Tony still felt something was off. So, when they met again at the camp....
"I'm not gonna lie, I still love Cass and always will. So you better not make her suffer, or you'll be dealing with me". Dean was left without words and, after the encounter, he left the camp without saying goodbye.

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