Nov 28, 2020

Tony and Jeannine: Happily Ever After?


Tony and Jeannine started their peaceful life together alternating their place of residence, sometimes they stayed at Tony's new house, others at Villa Le Rose, and others at the houseboat which was the place where Tony spent most of his time due to his work as a diver. Jeannine could accompany him there while Jean was at school.

Their first months together went by uneventful. Tony had left his past behind, he didn't drink anymore and was dedicated to his work, his hobbies and his trips. Everything seemed in order... until Jeannine broke him the unexpected news: she was expecting a baby. What a surprise!

At the beginning he didn't know what to say. It was not that he didn't want another baby, after all he was a family man like all the Langeraks, but after Simon, Daniel, Jessica, Bradley, Jean, Dorian (Aislara's son), Kathy (Kalamanu's daughter) and Nancy (Scarlet's daughter), this would be his ninth child! Sure, he was a responsible man, but this wasn't a minor matter, he'll need to digest it, so he asked her for some time to think.

"You don't have to think anything, I'm not asking for anything. I raised Jean on my own, I can do the same with this child", Jeannine told him.
"And I never said I'll leave you alone, I just need time to come out with a plan", Tony answered.

"Okay, I just hope it will be soon, we don't have much time".
True, Jeannine's pregnancy was far along, but she had kept quiet for fear that Tony would be scared and leave again.

Luckily for her, Tony wasn't scare, and that same night informed her of his decision: 
"You don't have to worry about anything, dear, we'll get married right away".

Jeannine couldn't believe her ears. She and Tony would get married, at last, after so many years! That was without a doubt the happiest day of her life.

Back at home, during dinner, Tony told Jean that he and Jeannine would get married after the baby was born. Jean liked these news, but - his parents, married at last? He wouldn't believe it until he saw it with his own eyes.

Shortly after, his brother André was born. Jeannine postponed the wedding to take care of him while he was baby, but when André became a toddler, it was Jean who took care of his little brother so their parents could organize the wedding.

After school and after doing his homework, Jean was devoted to attend to André. He fed him, bathed him and read him stories before going to bed. It was him who taught André to walk too. Fortunately for everyone, the two boys got along wonderfully.

And the long awaited wedding day arrived...

"Jeannine, receive this ring as a sign of my love, and the start of our new life together".

"Tony, receive this ring as a sign of my love..."
Tony looked with amazement at the ring on his finger. This was his fourth marriage, he hoped with all his heart it would be the last.

Just in case, he and Jeannine married in a private ceremony and without telling anything to anybody, until they were sure that everything was going well in their marriage.

But even without guests it was a happy day, filled with love for the two of them, They were together for life, and they had a beautiful family. What could go wrong?

And why think about it? This was the moment Jeannine had waited for all her life. She'd live it at the fullest without thinking about the future.

When the time came to cut the cake, Tony didn't seem to be there. What could he be thinking about? Or should we say who.

Jeannine knew well who. Tony was naturally thinking of Cassandra. He had broke up with her, yes, but he couldn't help but to ask himself, what would she think if she knew he had married Jeannine? And his children, Simon, Daniel, Jessica and Brad? Should he have told them?

Meanwhile, Jeannine concern was a different one: How long will this happiness last? Will it be forever?

"Will he stay with me to raise André together? Or will I have to raise him on my own like it happened with Jean?"

Enought with the concerns, it was their wedding day! They should enjoy and think positive. Celebrate!

But it was hard with how pensive Tony looked.
"Tony, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, all is fine, I was just - thinking about the kids, maybe I should've told them".
"Do you want to call them to invite them? It's still early and we have plenty of cake".
Tony knew Simon, Daniel and Jessica couldn't stand Jeannine, cause they blamed her for their parents separation. They wouldn't take the news well, and he didn't want to ruin Jeannine's happiness.
"No, it's fine, I'll tell them when we return from our honeymoon".

Jeannine thought that was a good idea, and they spent the rest of the afternoon making plans for their trip and for their new home. None of the two imagined at that moment all that was bound to happen in the days to come.

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