Nov 29, 2020

Jeannine's Request and an Unexpected Call

Tony and Jeannine traveled to Champs Les Sims for their honeymoon, where fortunately, Tony already had a house. There they spent a week without worrying about André, who was left in the care of Jean and a nanny hired especially for the occasion. 

Yes, alone at last! They both enjoyed the rest, the company, and toasted with the nectar of the grapes that Tony grew in his garden and prepared in his own cellar, the only alcohol he would drink from now on.

As they drank, he noticed that Jeannine was quiet and thoughtful.
"Jeannine? Is something wrong?
"No, nothing, I was just thinking."
"What were you thinking about?"
"About a special request I want to make to you."

Jeannine's request was to move to Champs Les Sims, her and Jean's hometown, and stay and live there. Her request took Tony by surprise. To move to France for good? To leave behind Island Paradise, her children, her grandchildren, her job - and Cassandra? 

"Jeannine, you know that in Island Paradise is my whole life."
"Your old life, you mean. Jean, André and I are the new one. Please Tony. Let's move, only then I'll feel calm and confident that you've already forgotten Cassandra. Besides, Champs Les Sims is where my family is, my father whom I miss and who may not live much longer."

"Okay, I'll think about it."
"Is that a yes?"
"The idea doesn't displease me, Champs Les Sims is one of my favorite places, I have a house and some of my business here. But I need time to conclude the work I left pending in Island Paradise."

Jeannine complied and they talked no more about it. Tony thought it wouldn't hurt to leave Island Paradise, to get as far away from Cassandra as he could, especially after she got married. He didn't think he could bear to see her happy with this Dean Lothario.

The rest of the trip was spent happily, without thinking about problems, or difficult decisions, only about their love and their future life together.

It was a new beginning for both of them, a new chance to be happy and they were both ready to enjoy it.

Their last day at Champs Les Sims was beautiful and quiet, with warm and pleasant weather; and a peace like they had never had before... until Tony's phone rang in the middle of the night.

It was his cousin Antoine, all the way from Sunset Valley, to tell him what he had just found out about Dean Lothario, Cassandra's fiancé. Tony could hardly believe his ears.

Dean Lothario was not free, he had a wife and children in Sunset Valley, and yet he had become engaged to Cassandra. Now he was desperate to divorce Emily, the woman with whom he had four children, whom he had abandoned years ago. The jerk!

"Sorry, Tony, I was going to call Cass to tell her, but then I thought it was more appropriate to tell you first, in case you want to be the one to talk to her..." 

"I know it's a delicate matter and I wouldn't want to butt in where I'm not wanted, I'm just trying to help my friend Emily. She is so upset that she wants to go find Cassandra in Island Paradise to tell her the truth. Hopefully you can get there before she does."
"Don't worry, Antoine, you were right to call me, I'll handle this."

After hanging up with Antoine, Tony was furious.
"Damn Lothario, something told me I shouldn't trust him and now I know why."

The next day, before leaving for Island Paradise....
"Tony, who called you last night, is there a problem?"
"None, work stuff."
"At that hour?
"Yeah, you know, because of the time difference."

The truth was that he was very concerned about what Antoine had told him. The first thing he would do when he arrived at Island Paradise would be to look for Dean to demand an explanation and force him to tell Cassandra the truth. Unfortunately, he would arrive too late....


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