Dec 5, 2020

Dwayne and Ashley's Secret Wedding

Before continuing with the story about Tony and the Langeraks, let's go back to Starlight Shores with the Casanovas. Here's alink with the las post about Dwayne and his brother Jayden to remind us of what happened to them.

We'll start with Dwayne and his girlfriend Ashley, who not long ago finished their careers at the Universtiy and moved in together to a house of their own in Starlight Shores. 

There, they both dedicated to their own professions, Ashley to Sports...

And Dwayne to Art, which is his greatest passion.

To the point that he started to paint murals on the walls of his own house.

Dwayne has been, at the same time, creator and critic of his own work.

After living together for a while and enjoy their mutual company at their Starlight Shores home, Dwayne and Ashley made a trip to Champs Les Sims.

There, Dwayne had the chance to see a lot of artwork and to criticize it. Some works were completely to his liking.

Others, not so much.

He took the opportunity as well to make another protest, which Ashley wasn't very enthusiastic about.

But the best of all was the time they spent together, more in love than ever.

The new friends they made...

And the romantic moments they shared in the heart of Champs Les Sims.

That was when they realized that they couldn't live without each other anymore.

So Dwayne popped the question...

"Ash, would you marry me?"

Ashley of course said yes.

It was a great moment for both.

Specially for Dwayne, at last he would marry the woman he adored!

But he didn't want to wait to wait anymore, so... 

"Can we marry right today, here in Champs Les Sims?"
Again, Ashley's answer what of course yes.

They got married that afternoon at the Nectary's cellars.

There were no guests, only the two of them and the few people that were visiting the Nectary at that m moment.

Without caring about anything, they exchanged rings and pledged their eternal love to each other.

Dwayne knew that the Casanovas were not going to like this whirlwind wedding, especially his mother, who would've organized a big party with lots of guests and celebrities, but Dwayne's rebel nature told him that it was better this way.

That such a special day belonged only to Ashley and him.

Ashley was beside herself with happiness, at last she had married the love of her life!

And what was most important: she had won the battle to Amy Goodman, Dwayne's ex girlfriend, who had always been there like a shadow, waiting for the moment to get him back. But Dwayne had chosen her, and for better or for worse, they were married now.And nothing and no one could change that. Or so she thought.

During the celebration, Dwayne seemed absent to her at times, would he be thinking about Amy?

"What are you saying, dear? Of course I'm not. My relationship with Amy is over forever", he told her when she expressed her worries to him.

Maybe the only thing they'd have to worry about was the reaction of the Casanovas reaction when they knew that their firstborn son had gotten married without notifying them, but that would be easily solved, they would just have to throw a party to celebrate with them upon arriving home.

What Dwayne didn't imagine was all what had been happening in his absence, and the storm that was about to fall on Starlight Shores and on the (until then) happy Casanova family.

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