Jul 26, 2020

Sean and Ashley Got Engaged Too

As soon as he knew that Jessica and Royce would marry soon, Sean cleared up his doubts and he proposed to Ashley too.

Ashley wasn't quite sure cause he knew what were Sean's true feelings, and she still felt something for Skip, but she accepted the proposal for the sake of her daughter.

The proposal wasn't glamorous at all. Sean popped the question before going to bed, she said yes, they sealed their commitment with a kiss and went to sleep. Everything seems to be alright now, but Sean still had something to do...

The next evening he went to see Daniel, and after months of not speaking to him, he apologized and announced his engagement to him.
"So you and Ashley are getting married".
"Are you sure that's what you want, Sean?"
"You married Gloria, didn't you'"

"You I didn't give a damn about Gloria", Sean continued "But what I feel for you will never beat what you feel for her, so I will get married with Ash and we won't mention this ever again".
"Does that mean that...?"
"It means we're back as friends, but that's it".
"Sean, I..."
"I expect to see you at my wedding. Will you attend, Danny?"
"I'll be there, don't worry".

"Did you talk to Daniel?"
"Yes, everything's fine".
"Did you tell him that...?"
"I told him I forgave him for marrying Gloria, but that we will be just friends from now on".
"Did he get it?"
"I hope so".
It was done, Sean was at peace now, he would be able to start his new life with Ashley, but--  would he be able to forget Daniel?

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