Jul 26, 2020

Why Jessica and Royce had to Rush Their Wedding

Jessica and Royce weren't planning to get married yet, the plan was to live togethe and succeed in their respective careers, Jessica as a photographer and Royce as a lawyer. Jessica wanted to travel to Egypt to take pictures and became an explorer. Then, after all that, they will get married, but something unexpected came up.

After a few months living together, Jessica found out she was pregnant and told Royce one afternoon after work.

That same evening, when they got home, they talked about the matter, but didn't get to any conclusion, so they preferred to go to sleep and discuss it the next day.
"Don't worry, Jess, you're not alone, we'll see what we can do".

Royce didn't know where to start, the logical thing was to propose marriage to her, but he didn't know if she would accept, or if it was the convenient thing to do. They both were at the beginning of their careers, they didn't earn much money and they had a lot of bills to pay. Asking Jessica's parents for financial support wasn't an option either, since none of the two approved of their relationship. They would have to get by without their help.

Jessica was confused too. Having Royce's baby was exciting, but - what would happen to her Photography career, with her plans of traveling around the world and become a great explorer like her father? And what would he say when he heard the news? While she thought of this, Royce already made his decision.

And days later, he proposed to her.

Jessica of course said yes.
"Royce, it's beautiful, but it must'have costed you a lot of money".
"I spend all my savings, but it was worth it".

"Oh, Royce, thank you".
"I told, you, darling, you're not alone".
"I love you".
"And I love you".

Problem solved. Now the hardest part was to come: break the news to Jessica's parents.
"What do you think thet'll say when they find out?"
"They'll understand, they're your parents".
"Royce, they're the Langeraks".
"Easy, darling, everything will be alright".

Jessica called them the next day and what a mess it was! Cassandra got angry and hang up the phone on her. Tony take it easier, but he asked her to think it twice. She didn't have to get married, she could go on with her plans, he and Aislara would take care of her baby. Jessica was tempeted by this idea, but that would mean leaving Royce out, so she didn't give up and she stood firm in her decision: she would marry Royce as soon as the preparations were ready.

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