Jul 18, 2020

Jessica's New Love

Upon arriving to the University, at the beginning, Jessica missed Royce so much. There were moments when she thought she wouldn't resist, she even thought of leaving it all and returning to Island Paradise.

But that changed when she met Troy Francis.

From that moment on, Troy became her best friend and there was not a single day when he didn't visit her, which made Jessica forget Royce immediately.  

Ashley thought Jessica was playing with fire and adviced her to be careful.

But Jessica was so fascinated with Troy that she didn't listen to her and continued ahead with his friendship.

.Which sooner that expected turned into an open romance.

Jessica not only forgot about Royce (as her parents had wanted so much) but she started to think of ways to break up with him.

After the final exams, on her way home, she thought of a thousand ways of telling him. It wasn't going to be easy, but she had decided it, she had to do this, for Troy.

 "Think it over, Jessi. Royce doesn't deserve this, and you could be sorry later on", Ashley had told her before leaving the campus.

"You can't do this to Royce, you just can't. If you do, you won't forgive yourself", Sarah said to her before Jessica called Royce to talk with him. But Jessica had made up her mind already.

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