Jul 18, 2020

Jessica's Choice

Jessica arrived to Island Paradise determined to break up with Royce, in spite of her friends' warnings. She didn't talk to him right away, she went to visit her father first, but she didn't tell him about Troy yet. She rather wait until she talk to Royce. When she left, she was completely sure of what she was going to do.

But as soon as Royce arrived at her door, everything inside her heart changed.

Being with him again, listening to his plans and dreams, reviving the the happy moments together since their teen years, made her regret what she was going to do.

She couldn't break up with Royce, and she wouldn't.
    "Jessi, is something the matter? You've been kind of weird", he told her.
It was the moment of truth, Jessica knew she had to be honest, so she told him what had happened with Troy and asked for his forgiveness.

It was a difficult moment for both, and for Royce, it was especially painful. It took him some time to digest what Jessica had just confessed to him, but he was so much in love with her that, in the end, he forgave her.

Everything was good between Jessica and Royce again. Now, the hardest part was still to come for her: communicate her decision to Troy and break up with him forever...

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