Jul 11, 2020

Jessica Langerak's Birthday

The time has come for Jessica to turn into a young adult, to then go to the University like her two older brothers Simon and Daniel did. Here's Jessica, enjoying her last days as a teen.

Jessi, roller skating at the Spring Festival with her boyfriend Royce Allani.

Her relatinship with Royce lasted through the years, in spite of his father and brothers' dissatisfaction. Royce has been Jessica's only love.

Leaving for her last high school dance.

His last 'Trick or Treat' at his brother Simon's house.

On her birthday, the first to greet her was Daniel.

Sing-a-gram for Jessica Langerak. Have a Happy Birthday!

Her brother's greetings was one of the best moments of the day.

In the afternoon, at home, Jessica had her birthday party.

Among the guests were her parents, Tony and Cassandra; her brothers Simon, Daniel and Bradley,  and lots of friends from the Island, including Aislara Alvarez, who lived with her father at that time. Royce couldn't attend due to his work).

Jessica makes a wish and blows out the candles.

That's it, teen age is over, time to become a young adult!

The transformation process starts and...

Now Jessica is a grown up and, as it is tradition in the Langerak family, it's time to go to the University. 

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