Jul 11, 2020

Jessica Graduates From High School

The day after her birthday, Jessica headed to the City Hall to attend the Accolades Institute graduation ceremony. 

Her parents attended with her, even when they do not speak to each other.

It's an awkward situation, but soon Jessica won't have to deal with their conflicts, cause she'll leave for the University, she'll graduate and then she'll move in with Royce.

Meanwhile, she has to put up with this awkward moment.

Fortunately they ceremony was quick. That's all, Jessica has graduated from High School, now on to what's next.

Cassandra waits her turn to congratulate Jessi cause Tony got ahead of her.
    "At least this time he didn't bring that woman Aislara".

Cassandra wishes the best to her daughter and give her some advice for when she goes to College, which will be right the next day.

Deep inside of them, both Tony and Cassandra have hope that, once far from Island Paradise, Jessica will meet some other boy and forget about Royce Allani forever. Jessica knows what they're thinking, but she's sure that is not going to happen.

When they arrivew home, Tony and Jessica run into Romina, Jessi's cousin. She came to invite her to her birthday party, after which both will leave together for the University. 

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