May 7, 2020

Jayden Casanova

Name: Jayden Casanova
Generation: Fifth 
Age: Young Adult
Place of Birth: Starlight Shores
Family: Casanova-Cho
Parents: Michelle Cho and Nick Casanova
Siblings: Dwayne and Landon Casanova

Traits:  Adventurer, Loves Animals, Charismatic, Easy to Impress, Star Quality.

Status: Married
Spouse: Amy Goodman
Children: David Casanova
University Degree: Physical Education
Profession: Sports Agent
Job: Sports Analyst
Deseo de la Vida: Become an Astronaut
Comida Favorita: Fruit Parfait
Música Favorita: Geek Rock
Favorite Color: Red
Zodiac Sign: Sagitarius

(.package file)


Lipstick: MLips05 by M029 (site no longer active)


- Custom Content (CC) NOT INCLUDED out of respect for its creators. 
- The sim comes with base game clothes. For it to look like in the pictures you'll need to download the content in the above list. ;) 
- Custom sliders were used.
- Thanks to all the creators for their wonderful custom content.

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