May 8, 2020

Billy and Josie Get Married

Billy Goth finally gather the courage and proposed marriage to Josie Langerak.

Or rather, it was Josie's advanced stage of pregnancy that made him decide to propose to her. 

Anyway, she had waited for this moment for so long.

The wedding took place immediately to her mother Reneé's delight, and of course, to her sister Katya's too.

Billy and Josie are already husband and wife. Reneé is beside herself with happiness. Her daughter, married to a Goth boy, what an honor!

Jason is not that happy, but at least he's sure his daughter married a good boy. Billy's parents couldn't attend cause they live far, in Hidden Springs.

Once more, the two legendary families have been united. Josephine Langerak is now Josephine Goth.

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