Dec 10, 2019

What Happened After the Wedding (Part 2)

Turns out, after a few days of boredom at home, ignored by everyone except for Dakota, the family cat...

Tony had an unexpected encounter with Cassandra at the bar where he used to hang out with his brother. 

Unexpected and magical, because Tony and Cassandra were able to remember the beautiful moments of their past together.  

During a sudden attack of nostalgia, they were even on the verge of a reconciliation at Tony’s beach house in Sulani.

But Cassandra reacted on time and brought him back to reality: a reconciliation was imposible for him, ‘cause he was married already, and she had just got engaged with her boyfriend Dean. 

Tony was dissapointed. As soon as he got home, he went back to depression.

... and to alcohol.

He tried to get overcome it by sharing time with the family, but neither that, nor the time he spent working on his book, made him forget about Cassandra.

If only he wasn’t married, she’d probably had broken up with Dean and they will be together now. 
"Boy, was I stupid”. 
Y así pasó los días, bebiendo y culpándose. 

Until, finally one morning, in the middle of a hangover, he made his final decision: goodbye Scarlet, goodbye Del Sol Valley. He’d go back to the place he belonged to and should’ve never left...

His true home: Island Paradise.

The end Tony & Cassandra’s story, Sims 4 version.

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