Dec 12, 2019

Back to The Sims 3

Like I said before, I quit playing The Sims 4 indefinitely due to the errors/bugs that use to come with EA's updates/patches, and the ordeal of updating the mods that the game needs to function as a true simulation game. I'm not gonna lie, I had fun and enjoyed some EP's such as Get Famous and Get to Work... for a few days. But I got bored quickly.

I'm not uninstalling the game yet, cause I don't hate it and I have three generations of very beloved sims in those saved games, a bunch of pictures I'd like to share and sims that I plan to upload someday to the Gallery and to my Sims Downloads section (without the tons of CC I used in them, of course). But I don't think I will ever play The Sims 4 or buy anything related to the game again, cause, with every new EP/Patch, new bugs and issues are unleashed. For mi it's been enough.

With regard to Tony Langerak's story, that has always belonged in The Sims 3. I recreted in The Sims 4 as an experiment, it didn't turn out so bad, in fact it was lots of fun, but, sadly, it's hard to play, let alone take pictures for the story, with so many bugs.

Updates are supposed to fix errors, but they end breaking up the game even more. Seriously, I'm surprised that mine wasn't destroyed altogether, like it has happened to other simmers I've read about, who lost huge saved games which were very dear to them.

So... I'm back to The Sims 3, this time for good. Sorry for the inconveniences. Thank you.

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