The awaited Prom of the twins wasn't at all what they had dreamed of. To start with, there was a heavy snowfall and even when they traveled to school in a limo, the cold was intense and visibility almost zero. It was a fairly gray, somber day.
The limousine left them at the school's door, but...
Even so, Winston and Tristan had to get out and walk under the snow.
Or rather, they had to run under the snow, cause it was getting late. They were not sure if the dance really was taking place, cause from the outside, the building looked dark and desolate.
The only people there were Aidan O'Conell, and Cara Ghallager, who, by the way was Tristan's crush. Perhaps that night he would get lucky and she'd accept to dance with him? That was a tough one cause they had hardly spoken to each other all year.
Finally, in the evening, Dragon Valley High lit up and the dance started.
So many things can happen in a prom: the first dance, the first kiss, even the first break-up.
It's an even nobody ever forgets!
However, for the Luck twins, it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Tristan could hardly dance a few minutes with cara, and then lost track of her.
Winston wasn't even able to find a date, what a memory! Anyway, when they got home they consoled themselves with a big piece of cake.
The days after prom were much more peacful for the Lucks. Sabrina spent them practicing with the violin.
Winston took a liking for painting.

Also, Sabrina got another promotion in her job, this time to Middle School Teacher.
Sadly, her relationship with Wylie continued downhill, cause, apparently, he continued seeing Siobahn Murphy on the sly. Like never before, Sabrina wished that the day would when they leave Dragon Valley.
Something that didn't change for the family was the game evenings...
Although Wylie and Sabrina seemed to enjoy more a pool game.
The twins kept on playing dominoes. Winston asked Tristan for a rematch, and he finally beat him! It was the first Tristan's defeat in a long time and Winston truly enjoyed it.
Finally, the last day of school at Dragon Valley High arrived for the Luck twins. The next thing would be their birthday party, in which they would become young adults.
Then they would leave for the University, and their parents would return to Hidden Springs. After that, Dragon Valley would be history.
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