The days before the Luck twins graduation went by in relative peace. Winston and Tristan prepared themselves as much as possible, learning new skills like, for example, Gardening. Winston planted a chamomile seed which he watered carefully every night.

But the calm that reigned in the Luck's home was broken when, after being promoted to Mad Scientist, Wylie got a phone call...
It was his neighbor and 'friend' Siobahn Murphy, asking him on a date that night. Wilye was still angry at Sabrina because of her meeting with John Burb, so he accepted Siobahn's invitation.

The rest of the week, Wylie was acting suspiciously. Between work and his mysterious night outings, he was almost never home, and if he ever was, he only cared for his little dragon Scarlet.
This strange behaviour wouldn't let Sabrina leave in peace. Perhaps Wylie was back dating their obnoxious neighbor? She was so worried that she didn't even celebrated the promotion to Teacher Substitute that she had just gotten. She could just think of Wylie and his little friend Siobahn. Those rumors better not be true or she'd have to take drastic measures.
"Watch out, Wylie, don't forget I'm still a Goth".
With all these things happening: the coming exams, Wylie's weird behavior and Sabrina's concern, the nightly domino matches weren't the same anymore.
Nobody seemed to be focused or interested enough...
And almost always the winner was Tristan, which really annoyed Winston. This was starting to get repetitive.
Well, the next night Sabrina unexpectedly won the game, now that was some change.
By the way, she seemed more self confident and calm than the night before. She had heard that Siobahn Murphy was among attending Hugh Gray's party, so she decided to go too.
Maybe if she confronted her once and for all, and told her a thing or two, she'd manage to get her away from Wylie. And if she didn't understand, then Sabrina would have to use other 'methods'.
To her bad luck, in the middle of the party, Dorren Delaney died.
This sad event left the guests sad and apalled, among them Siobahn, who, a few minutes later, said goodbye to the host and left. Sabrina the opportunity to talk to her, which mad her moody.
"Come on, Grim, why Dorren Delaney, why not Siobahn Murphy?
Ah, if Siobahn was the deceased, she would have saved so much trouble! Anyway... The twins graduation and departure for the University was just a few days away. Then, she and Wylie would leave Dragon Valley forever. All this would be far, far away from them.
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