The long awaited twins birthday finally arrived. Sabrina, however, couldn't completely enjoy it.
To begin with, that same day she discovered that Wylie was still seeing Siobahn. Even worse: he had invited to the boys' party. She, of course, didn't remain silent and, not caring that some guests had already arrived, she complained aloud to Wylie, and she even slapped him in front of everyone!
When the moment came to blow out the candles on his cake, Winston didn't make a wish but three of them. The first one, that his parents would stop fighting and make up, the sooner the better. The second one: return to Hidden Springs, if possible, by tomorrow.
And the third wish, a total secret, was that something extraordinary would occurr that would prevent his father from seeing that Siobahn woman again.
He still didn't understand how Wylie had dared to invite her to the party. If only there was a way to make her disappear...
Anyway, Winston blew out the candles, hoping to see his wishes fullfilled soon and... poof! He was a young adult now.
Sabrina celebrated cheerfully, while Wylie seemed a bit anxious, perhaps he knew that after the twins' birthday, he would have to return to Hidden Springs and wouldn't see the infamous Siobahn again.
By the way, she looked kind of worried too, which made Winston extremely happy.
"Sorry, Miss Murphy, but you'll have to find yourself another boyfriend".
Now it was Tristan's turn to blow out the candles on his own cake. The wishes he made weren't different from Winston's.
"Let's see... I want to go back to Hidden Spring by tomorrow and... that Siobahn vanishes!"
Sure enough he didn't say this aloud, cause the female alluded to was right behind him. He wished this wouldn't bring him bad luck.
Once his wishes were made, he blew with all his strenght, but the candles didn't go out.
Then, something unexpected happened...
The cake caught fire, burst into flames until and burned to the ground! Had Siobahn done some kind of trick? It was difficult to know, it could've been just an accident. The worst was that not only did the cake burnt,the fire spread across the table, burning Winston's cake too, and then engulfed the dining room.
Some of the guests were terrified and started to scream: "Fire, fire!" Others prefer to leave the party. In the beginning, nobody knew what to do, until finally, Wylie grabbed the extinguisher and bravely tried to put out the flames, while Sabrina called the firefighters from outside the house.

FFew things are scarier than a fire, and boy was this a scare for the Lucks and their guests. The one who had the worst time was poor John Burb, whose clothes were completely scorched. Luckily he survived,

But the party should continue so for the modest sum of 30 simoleons, they replaced the burnt cake with a new shiny one. Albeit with some hesitation, Tristan decided to blow out the candles again.
"Now I understand why it is called Inferno Cake, I hope it doesn't catch fire again".

Right at that time the firefighters arrived to the Lucks' house, a bit late by the way. Had it not been for Wylie's quick intervention...

Thing is, Tristan was already a young adult, just like his brother Winston and both were happy about it.
But they couldn't deny it had been a rather strange birthday. Fortunately, this was their last night in Dragon Valley.
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