Jun 22, 2014

Between Success and Failure

May 17, 2013

It's a new day, Kay fell asleep in the rocking chair after the party. She was so tired that she couldn't even get to her bed, and in a few hours she had to go to work.

While most of them were sleeping, Antoine had to rescue Cinnamon from the rain.

As soon as he woke up, Aaron watched the weather repor. Apparently the rain would continue all day.

Rain didn't stop Shantel from attending her work and finding out that she had been promoted to Level 4, Professional Blogger.

Kay got a promotion as well to Level 3, Useless Contraption Manipulator, whatever that meant it had a better salary. Of course, she could not sing victory yet, a promotion is a career achievement, but there was still a lot to learn.

Antoine was not far behind. That same day he was promoted to Desk Jockey, which is a Level 2 of the Law Enforcement career. Good enough for a beginner.

Not everyone in the house did well. In spite of his promise that none of his plants would die ever again,  Aaron's tomatoe and basil plants died. He'd have to replace them by planting some new ones, so he went out immediately to buy more seeds. 

To top it off, he burnt thes Waffles.
"I'm supposed to be a good cook. Why can't I make some simple waffles?"

"Anyway, I'm a gardener, not a cook, so to hell with the friggin' waffles".

 Aaron left the kitchen for now and returned with his plants.
"Don't worry, everything's gonna be fine. It's still raining, but we're well sheltered at this greenhouse".
Hm, Aaron takes this 'talking to plants' very seriously.

The evening fell over Hidden Springs. The rain finally stopped, for a while at least.

Kay took advantage of the quietness to study a bit before going to bed. The time to leave for the University was closer every day, she had to be well prepared.

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