In the morning, Kay suddenly remembered that it was Spooky Day and they should prepare their Costume Party. For Shantel, true horror would be having to go to workPara Shantel after a sleepless night the night before. Fortunately that wouldn't happen cause everybody has the day off.
So a Costume Party was thrown. You can't say it was succesful, but at least it was something different to entertain on Autumn days.
Two of the few guests who attended were Dominic Steele, son of the famous acrobat Simon Steele; and- of course - Shark Racket, Shantel's brand new boyfriend, who arrived disguised as a Chef de Cuisine
The guests' costumes were very diverse. Gwyneth Dipperson came as a policewoman; Robert
Langerak, padre, Antoine's father as an air force pilot; and Simon
Langerak as a cowboy.
For his part, Antoine dressed as a firefighter, while Shantel chose to be a fierce tigress.
Kay's father Gan Huan, who wore a hot dog costume, was concerned with the way Shantel danced the smustle. While Aaron continued to be frustraded because Dominic was wearing the same costume as him.
But, truth be told, he was damn sure that the flashy outfit looked better on him than on Dominic.
Aaron also danced the smustle, thoug a bit more discreetly than Shantel.
Antoine didn't dance, he was busy looking hot in his dashing firefighter costume.
Kay seemed comfortable in her disguise which was a cross between a cat and a zebra.
There was some similarity in Kay and Shantel's costume, which isn't rare cause they're besties. Sure, for now they are a bit angry at each other due to a feud (yes, another one) between Shantel and Aaron. Hopefully all will be sorted out soon.
Unfortunately, the party didn't lasted long cause a rainstorm was unleashed and forced everybody to go home early. But if was fun and at least nobody was bored on Spooky Day.
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