Memories of May 16, 2013
There was also Tristan, Kay's little cousin, son of the party host anfitriona, her aunt Sabrina, and one of the youngest members of the distinguished Goth family.
It's a new day in Hidden Springs.
Antoine learned to make waffles at last, they all had a great breakfast, but the real fun started by the evening.

The future university students went to a party at Kay's aunt and uncle's house, the Lucks, where they met some new neighbors like Vincent Steele, a sculptor, son of the famous acrobat Simon Steele. a de los tíos de Kay, los Luck-Goth, donde conocieron a algunos nuevos vecinos como Vincent Steele, Vincent is jut married with aunt Mona, who in turn is the ex wife of Shark Racket, Shantel's boyfriend. A total mess, anyway.
Antoine couldn't resist to take some pics of the event.
Kay, meanwhile, entertained herself playing the piano and delighting the guests with her music skills.
Among the guests was Antoine's grandmother Layla. She was sociable, fresh and Entre los invitados estuvo Layla, la abuela de Antoine. She was sociable, cool and youthful as ever.
Kay had a lot of fun talking with little Tristan.
"Wow, this place looks very interesting..."
Wilye Luck thought it was more interesting to see Shantel in a bathing suit walk towards him.
They both had a blast singing Karaoke. Shantel is a very good singer, let's remember that she's the daughter of the famous singer Kurtis Langerak. As for Wylie, well, the fact that he was born in Starlight Shores is more than enough, showbusiness runs in his blood.
Almost midnight, Antoine started to feel hungry and sleepy. Plus, he had to go to work early in the morning, so he was the second guest to leave the reunion, which was pretty good in his opinion.
Kay was tired too, but she stayed at the Lucks' studio to wait for Shantel. Kay también estaba cansada, pero se quedó a esperar a Shantel en el estudio de los Luck. In case she did something crazy, like flirting with uncle Wylie, or something like that.
Finally, around 3 am, Kay managed to convince Shantel to go home. They both were very sleepy. It wouldn't be easy for them to wake up for work the next morning. But that evening at the Lucks' house had been worth it!
But Shantel was to fascinated singing to thing about flirting. She could've been a great singer like her father, but for her singing was just a hobby.
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