February 26 , 2013

Let's go back to Aurora Skies... The weather hasn't been very good lately, which has forced ade the Shens to stay home, but that's not a problem for them.
Knowledge is what the Shens are most passionate about, so the time they spend at home they use it to learn new skills. In addition to her scientific experiments, Sienna also learns about gardening and cooking.
Dylan is learning how to cut gems.
When the weather improved, the Shens were able to go out a little more. This time they chose the Fall Festival.
Dylan met a really attractive woman, Sophia. Too bad she is a few years older than him.
Sophia isn't an option, Dylan would have to keep on looking for a girlfriend.
Finally, she managed to meet again with Karen Helgason, the girl who he had been interested first. It was her who asked him for a date, Dylan can hardly believe it!
Unfortunately, it was his curfew and he couldn't get very far with Karen, but at least this time he got in the cab on time.
Just like everybody in his family, Dylan likes to experiment with new things. One morning it occurred to him to try the fruits of the plant behind the elixir store.
Th result was this shiny yellow glow. You know, they say that when you have a positive spirit, it glows. But this is not the case. As we can see, Dylan literally glows.
He feels quite alright, but Lei didn't like this at all, and hopes it is not permanent.

The fall is here and the time has come to harvest the magnificent pumpkins that have grown in the Shen's garden.
Sienna was in charge of carving them to use them as decoration.
Even without lookin for it, the Shens are constantly learning. With so many malfunctions at the house this fall, Lei has been hable to improve his Handiness skill to Level 6 and then to 7. Now he is so technically efficient that he can transform objects to unbreakable and upgrade televisions and other appliances.
Like we said before, Dylan is very interested in learning Alchemy, it's one of the things he likes the most. A short time ago he raised this skill to Level 4.
For him, it is a delicious experience to contemplate how the ingredients mix perfectly. He mezclan perfectamente los ingredientes. He has already mastered the most delicate aspects of elixir making, he has fewer and fewer failures and has learned to make Mysterious Drinks.
Sure, one of the trade is having to taste his own potions, with results that are not always pleasing.

Her mothers chemistry table has captivated his interest too and is already part of his study routine
It's all very well to study and do experiments, but Lei has started to worry about when Dylan is goiong to have a girlfriend and think about getting married. Soon he'll become a young adult, it is even possible for him to go to college.
Sienna isn't worried about Dylan's bachelorhood. She thinks he's still too young. For now is best that he focus in his studies and in spending time with his family.
When Dylan leaves for school and they don't have work to do, Sienna and Lei dedicate themselves to exercise, they both work out hard at their gym to keep in shape.

Of course, Lei always has time to play with his pet, Tigris.
And Sienna, to take care of her plants. Recently, she improved her Gardening skill to level 7. Now she can plant rare quality seeds, reserved for the best gardeners!
Autumn came to an end and Winter began rather harshly in Aurora Skies.
But the snow wasn't a problem for Dylan, who had a lot of fun playing outside. He even built and igloo.
He was also in charge of collecting honey from Lei's beehive.
And when the blizzard raged, Dylan went in the lab again to continue to study his Alchemy lessons. His dedication to the matter paid off, cause he has already reached Level 7.
As for Sienna, her impressive performance at work has earned her a promotion to Carnivorous Plant
Tender and a bonus of 1,164 simoleons. The following the science isn't alway safe. Caring for a Carnivoropus Plant implies risk, but that is no excuse fro neglecting analysis and data recollection. Sienna must find the good sine of the Plant and continue to develop her scientific skills. With luck, other more appetizing positions will open up. Hopefully before she becomes too appetizing for the Plant!
Sienna has been doing wonderfully in her career, but there is another aspect of her life that she doens't want to leave aside and it is Adventure. She has all set to embark on her next trip. She was undecided for a while, but she has chosen which her next destination will be: her beloved Lei's homeland, China.
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