Sep 11, 2013

Sienna's Return to China

February 28, 2013

Shang Simla, China

Just as she had planned it, Sienna returned to China to improve her Visa level to 3 and be able to fullfill her wish to buy a vacation home for her family.

  She visited the Forbbiden City, the Martial Arts Academy, and other attractive places before starting her adventures as an explorer.

Among her goals is to learn everything about martial arts. It isn't going to be easy but it will be worth it in the end. At home she will be able to spar with her husband Lei who is already an expert.

  For now, she just got her first belt. White belt.


  Starting the first adventure of this trip. In Search of the key of Dong Huo.

While she explored the catacombs she felt alone and called home to tell them how the Visa thing was going, and about her achievements in Martial Arts. She also told them that she had bought a fortune cookie machine.

And she continued with her adventure. To start she had to find four keystones.

 ... And place them in these keyholes.

In this well, Sienna found the fourth and last key.

When she placed the keys in their corresponding keyholes, four switches appeared on the floor, with which Sienna disabled the traps that were blocking the way.

Pusing a statue at the end of the hall, Sienna unlocked a door on one of the sidewalls.

Here is the key of Dong Huo!

But before going to deliver the key, Sienna picked up all the ancient coins she could. There were more treasures, but she was only interested in obtaining isa Level 3. For that she has to deliver the treasure as soon as possible.

Mission accomplished, Sienna earned 20 Visa points and improved her Charisma skill to Level 8. But she still hasn't obtained Visa Level 3. She'll have to look for some more adventures.

To distract herself, she went for a ride around Shang Simla.

The limo was a courtesy, since her mother is the renowned explorer Layla Langeerak, not to mention aunt Myra and grandma Kimberly, Martial Arts champions, and beloved explorers in those lands.

For her new adventure, Sienna had to enter the Temple of Heaven. She had already been there, but now that she has the key of Dong Huo, she'll be able to see what is behind that door.

It was easy to find the Relic of the Monk that was in a hole on the wall, but to get there she had to explore the dephts of a well, which was terrifying because she almost ran out of breath. In the end, everything was fine. Now she has to deliver the relic.

Adaeze Min didn't deliver her reward, she said she needed two pieces of platinum and two lapis lazuli first. Sienna was tired, so she went back to the base camp. She'd look for the two remaining pieces in the morning.

But she took advantage of the peace of the base camp to continue studying her cooking recipes. That night she learned the recipe for Vegetarian Chili.

After delivering the platinum and the lapis lazuli, as a part of her mission, Sienna had to go to the Martial Arts Academy and to the Scholar Garden. And she still had to deliver a key to Adaeze Min. But in the end she obtained the Visa Level 3, which is the maximum and the one she needed!

However, the adventure didn't end there, cause Adaeze Min asked to enter the Temple of Heaven again to look for a lost artifact. Sadly this couldn't be done this time cause the trip ended. It will be on the next one.

Pero al menos, Sienna ya tiene la Visa Nivel 3 y el Hacha de Pangu.

De vuelta en casa, a practicar la nueva receta, para disfrutarla con su familia y a prepararse para el siguiente viaje.

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