It wasn't just one drink but two, maybe three, but that's nothing to Tony, so he kept on in his five senses, although a bit more relaxed.
Before going to bed he went to check on the boys, who were already asleep (or pretending to be) in the room that used to belong to their older brothers Simon and Daniel.
As he was about to leave for his bedroom, he received a call from Jeannine.
"Jeannine? What's up?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to hear your voice and know if we're good."
"Of course we're good, dear, don't worry," he lied.
"And the boys?"
"Sleeping, they were exhausted."
"When will you be back?"
"I don't know, soon maybe."
"Maybe? Are you running away from me, Tony?" asked Jeannine, with a tinge of desperation in her voice.
"Running away? From you? No, not at all. I just wanted to spend some quality time with my kids, that's all."
"On our honeymoon."
"Our honeymoon was unfortunately called off, but I'll make it up to you, I promise."
"Really, so you're not thinking of leaving me?"
Jeannine's question is like a spear, straight to Tony's heart. The obvious answer is "no, of course I'm not thinking of leaving you", but for some reason Tony is speechless for a few seconds, pondering his words, "I'll make it up to you I promise". Did he ever get tired of making promises he couldn't keep?I mean, it's his sincere desire to keep this one, it's just...
"Tony, are you still there?", Jeannine's distressed voice, brings him out of his thoughts.
"Yes, yes I am here."
"Then answer me, are you planning to leave me to go back to Cassandra, is that why you left?"
"No, of course not. Er, listen, honey, it's late, I'm in the kids' room and I don't want to wake them. I'll call you later okay?"
Jeannine is naturally brave, she has never made a scene of jealousy or the slightest drama to him, but this time, her silence says it all.
The intensity of their conversation eventually wakes up Jean and Bradley, who decide to go downstairs to watch TV while their parents finish sorting out their issues.
"Are you sure you'll be back?" asked Jeannine.
"Of course, love, just give me a few more days, please, okay?".
"Okay, we'll wait for you. You know, the kids miss you."
"And I miss them, give them a kiss for me," Tony replied.
"I miss you too," Jeannine added.
"And I miss you," Tony replied. This time he's telling the truth.
Jeannine hangs up without saying goodbye, Tony knows what that means, it's what she does when she realizes he's lying. So many years together, she knows him well, she knows something is off. And she's not mistaken.
It's late at night in Champs Les Sims, the whole town is asleep, and Tony has gone to sleep too. He didn't call Jeannine again, not because he doesn't want to, he misses her, terribly, that part is true, but he's started missing Cassandra too, again. He's not sure about his feelings, his heart is a total mess now and he doesn't want to keep lying to Jeannine. He needs to think... But he's exhausted and the vodka has started to kick in... Anyway, tomorrow is another day.
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