Feb 28, 2022

As they will soon be away from home for several days, Tony and Jeannine decided to spend some quality time with their little ones.

After the children went to bed, and while Jeannine was relaxing by the pool, Tony took the opportunity to finish his latest painting. The very 'special' subject managed to awaken Jeannine's restlessness. 

He knows Tony has met all kinds of women: athletes, actresses, even mermaids! But a lime green girl? What's she supposed to be, a plant, an alien? God only knows.

He says it's just someone from his imagination, someone he has seen "in his dreams", a character from his novels. 
"So an alien, huh? Well, she looks pretty human to me! Whoever she is, she's certainly beautiful and Tony has taken great care to paint her. Gosh... is it normal to be jealous of a painting? Maybe Jeannine is giving it too much importance, time to go to sleep!

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