Nov 17, 2021


Riley: Well, I’m sorry to inform you that you’ll have to accept me because my dad owns this and pretty much every house on campus. If my dad owns this place, then I own it too.

(Kelly is about to explode. He has tried to be nice to the intruder, but she has done everything possible to wear out her patience).

Riley: (goes on) I don’t think you guys want to be evicted. It’s late in the term to be looking for another dorm, so I propose that you give me the spare room and everyone’s in peace. I for one could arrange for you to get a discount on your rent payment, what do you think, Daley?“

Dale: (to himself) Please tell me she didn’t call me "Daley” in front of Kel.

Kelly: I’m sorry, how did you call my boyfriend?

Riley: Daley. that’s what I affectionately call him, do you have a problem?

Kelly: No. You are the one who’s going to have a problem if you don’t leave this house right now.

Dale: Kelly…

Kelly: Hush, honey. I’ll take care of this.

Some people like to watch the world burn. Dale is not one of them, so he decides to take Kelly at her word, and leave her alone with Riley. Terry would probably stay to watch the fight and enjoy every second of it, Dale prefers to entertain himself on the computer with the volume turned up loud. He just hopes Riley gets out of there in one piece or he and Kelly will have to find another place to live.

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