Nov 4, 2021

Kelly is upset because rumors have reached her that Dale has been studying in the library with a fellow student named Riley Woods. The rumors also say that they sometimes go to lunch and have a great time together at the cafeteria.

Kelly barely spoke to him at dinner and left early. She said she had a lot of studying to do. That’s odd, because the two of them always study together, but today Dale had to study alone.

When Dale returned to the bedroom, Kelly was still studying, he asked her why she hadn’t stayed to study with him, she didn’t want to answer. Dale was dead sleepy and not at all in the mood to start an argument, so he went straight to bed.

Kelly: (to herself) Maybe you’d rather study with your new little friend ‘Rylie’.

The next day at breakfast, Kelly still isn’t talking to Dale.

Dale: Kelly, what’s wrong? You seem upset and I want to know why.

Kelly: Why don’t you ask Riley Woods?

Dale: Riley? Is that who you’re worried about? Kelly, please. She’s just a fellow student.

Kelly: Yeah, sure.

Kelly was so angry that she didn’t wait for Dale to get in the car so they could go to the final exam together. Now he will have to walk.

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