Nov 5, 2021

It’s a sunny day at the University, Dale and Kelly have just taken their final exams, both passed with flying colors.

Once home, Dale wastes no time and decides to talk to Kelly to put this misunderstanding to rest.

Dale: Kelly, listen, I swear you have nothing to worry about, Riley is just a classmate, she and I just get together to study. Besides, she’s not my type.

Kelly: Do you mean it?

Dale: Absolutely.

Kelly: Okay, then promise me you’ll leave her study group and never go to lunch with her again.

Dale: Kel, that’s…

Kelly: Promise me, D.

Dale: Oh, okay. I promise.

Kelly: Thanks, baby.

The storm passed, Kelly and Dale surely won’t fight again in a long time, at least not until the next trimester when Dale has to see his female classmates again. It will be a long road for him from here to graduation, but he loves Kelly too much, so he’ll do whatever she asks him in order not to lose her.

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