Nov 14, 2021

Time Traveler: E129. The Rightful Heir

Robin told Ann in detail everything that had happened in Oasis Landing and why he was now trapped in the past. He explained to her as well that the crime for which he was now being pursued was having children in the "forbidden" way, and with someone from the past. (He avoided, of course, and for the moment, to mention the matter of Juliette and Rowan).  
Ann took it all rather calmly because, truth be told, deep inside, knowing that Robin would be staying in Aurora Skies indefinitely made her truly happy. 

"So now I will have you all for myself? No time travel, no time portals, no volunteer mothers or designed children? You'll be mine and mine alone?" she asked cheerfully.
"So it would seem," Robin sighed.
" Awesome!"

"Sorry, I know you love your job, but I can't help it, I'm glad I finally won't have to share you with anyone else."
"Yes, about that, I--"
"Oh, no, no, we won't talk about Oasis Landing anymore. Now we just have to think about us, Jessi and our upcoming child."

"Of course, but first there' s something else I must tell you."
"Later", Ann interrupted him again "Now promise me that when our son is born, he will be your successor."
 "How do you know he's a boy?"
"I just know. It will be a boy, as handsome as you, and we'll name him Robin Crane II. How does that sound?"
"Sounds great."

"So? Do you promise that our baby will be your successor and not your other son, Collin?"
Robin was slow to answer, anguish was consuming him.  Should he tell Ann that there was another possible successor besides Collin? Maybe not yet, maybe it was too soon?
"Robin, is something wrong?" Ann asked suddenly worried.

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