Nov 14, 2021

Time Traveler: E127 - The Favor

"You know I'm your unconditional friend no matter what, so ask for anything," Dustin said.
"Thanks, listen, I need you to take a look at this," Robin said, pulling out of his pocket the flashdrive Kaleigh had given him.
"A flashdrive?"
"It's not just any flashdrive, it contains important documentation, which is why I need you to help me unlock it."
"Sure, let's go upstairs to my study, I'll see what I can do."

They both took a seat, Dustin turned on the computer and examined the document.
"Let's see... Wow, this is really well protected.It doesn't look like an easy task, but we can try. What information do you say it contains?" he asked.
"Information about me that Kaleigh subtracted from the government database, the Population Council, specifically."
It doesn't look like an easy task, but we can try. What information do you say it contains?" he asked.
"Information about me that Kaleigh subtracted from the government database, from the Population Council, specifically."
Dustin was startled.

"Kaleigh stole information from the government?" he asked, forgetting the computer and swiveling his chair toward Robin.
"She didn't 'steal' it. She's a cop, she can log into the system if she wants to."
"Oh, a cop stealing government data to give to a fugitive, I feel better already." 

"She not only stole that data, but she also helped that 'fugitive' escape from Oasis Landing."
"A policewoman helped you escape."
"She's a loyal friend."
"Or she's still in love with you," Dustin exclaimed standing up. Robin rose with him.

"You'd better be careful, Jul won't like it, and you've got enough on your plate with Ann."
"Don't worry, I'll explain everything myself as soon as I see her."
"Tell her that you had a child with Kaleigh or that you're a fugitive from the law?"
"Both. I can't keep hiding things from her anymore, so I'll tell her the whole thing the day of our date. 
"Yeah well, good luck with that." 
"Thanks, will need it."

Anyway, what exactly do you want me to do with the flash drive?"
"One of the documents, the one I'm most interested in, is locked and I need you to open it, you would know how."
"You want me to hack a government document?" 
"The government of Oasis Landing, not the Aurora Skies one."
Still, what if they track me down and arrest me, if they erase my memory like they wanted to do to you?"

"Come on, Dust, no one will be looking for you, this is 2016, remember? The Restart doesn't exist here. Please, only you can help me with this."
"What is in that document that is so vital to you?"
"That document seems to contain information about my parents. Who they are, if they are still alive and where they are. What my origins are, my real last name... Maybe it also says something about my DNA, why I'm wanted by the RSL people and some explanation about what happened to me today. This 'self-healing', as you called it."

"You expect too much from a single document, but it sounds intriguing."
"It's more than intriguing, Dust. It's critical to me."
"Fine, I'll do it. Like I said, it doesn't look easy, but at least I'll try. Or I'll ask my parents for help. They know a lot more about advanced computing and future security measures than I do."
"Your parents? Do you think they'll want to help me after all I've done?"
"Oh, of course they will, they adore you-- they just don't know it yet, hehe."
"You sure know how to cheer me up", Robin joked. "Anyway, I'll come back another day to see how you're doing". 

"Wait, maybe I can make an attempt right now on my holo-computer, it's in my bedroom, I can go get it while you go downstairs and eat something. You must be starving."
"I am, but I really have to go. I don't want to take up any more of your time, I know you have to go to work. Thanks again for all your help, I'll get the clothes back to you as soon as I can."
"Ah, don't worry, there's no rush."

"Just one more favor", Robin continued. "Not a word to Jul about this, please, okay? I'll tell her everything in due time."
"Okay, and once again, good luck with everything."
"Thank you, Dust, really".
"Ah, it was nothing".
"No, I mean it. You literally saved my life."
"Well, that's what friends are for, right?"
"Right," Robin smiled. "Please call me as soon as you have anything."
"I will, don't worry."


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