Nov 7, 2021

Time Traveler: E125 - Healed

"What the hell? The scratches are gone, I'm healed! But-- how could this happen?"

"True, the suppressants eliminate pain, but they don't heal wounds, or did the bracelet contain something else I don't know about? Even if it was so, I'm not even wearing it, and there are no scars left either. This is really weird". 

Still stunned by the surprise, Robin continued on his way to the bedroom.
"I'm certainly feeling better, and I'm glad, but those bruises were pretty bad, how did they just magically vanish like that? No matter how advanced the medicine is, it just can't be. What on earth is happening to me?

He would find out later, there was no time now.
He dressed quickly, grabbed his wallet and the flash drive from the clothes he had taken off and headed for the door.

Before he went out, a thought assailed him: would this have something to do with the DNA issue the RSL wanted to discuss with him? Could it be that they had found something strange in him? Was he some kind of freak?

This possibility alone only added to the anguish he was already feeling, which was heightened by the thought of Dustin's reaction when he saw him. How was he going to explain to him that overnight, those wounds had disappeared from his face, as well as all traces of pain and fatigue from his body? That he literally felt 'as good as new'? Was this something they both needed to worry about?

"Nah, maybe it's just some unknown, delayed effect of the suppressants. I never knew exactly what meds the bracelet had, and I've never been injured before. Maybe it contained some antibiotic or a cicatrizant that accelerated the healing. Anyway, if there were any of these substances in it, I'll never know, because mine was left in Oasis Landing," Robin concluded, as he reached the stairwell.

He got downstairs quickly, effortlessly and without pain, his leg functioning perfectly. He hoped he could get out without Dustin seeing him. Observant as he was he'd notice right away about his face and ask him a thousand questions for which he had no answers. So he'd rush out and thank him later through a text message.
Some other day he would tell him about the flash drive thing... 

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