Oct 15, 2021

Rotational Play

And that's all about Terence and Cynthia (for now). I'm playing rotationally with  my Hidden Springs families, specially with the fifth generation sims, from which the Cho brothers are first born. The goal for Tyron and Terence was to find a girlfriend, get married and had one first baby. 

For Tyron and Candice, it was quick and easy.  Terry took a little more time, that's why his turn seemed longer. But in the end, both brothers accomplished their goals and advanced in their careers.

Now we'll continue with Dale, the youngest of the Cho brothers, and his girlfriend Kelly. It would be a bit different with them. Since they're completely focused in their careers, their goal at the moment is to go to the University and get a degree. 

Dale and Kelly aren't steady yet, much less are they engaged, so we'll have to leave marriage and babies for later.  First, we'll need to see where their relationship goes.

After Dale's turn, the rotation will continue with other fifth generation sims from Hidden Springs and probably from other towns too, so I don't know when we'll get to see Tyron and Terence again. But I'm sure during that time they'll continue achieving success in their careers and in their lives in general. :D

I thank everyone so much for your likes, comments, messages and reblogs (on Tumblr). I would mention you all, but I don't want to leave anyone out. But you know who you are. ;) Thanks as well to those who have been kind enough to tag me. I'm sorry I can't always respond.  I don't have much time available for posting and I'm almost always in a hurry, juggling my writing, the housework, the family, etc. (Old stay at home mom here, lol). Anyway, I want you to know that I appreciate those mentions, and that I'll try to answer to them someday when I have the chance. 

Really, from the bottom of my heart, thank you very much to you all!! 

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