Aug 23, 2021

Great Idea

As Kelly was so worried about her career, Dale had a great idea to help her advance.

Dale: Why don't you ask Terry to help you with your physical training? He's an excelente coach, thanks to him Cynthia was able to increase her athletic skill and then she got a promotion.

Kelly: Ask Terence for help? No way!

But Kelly thought better about it, and she came to a conclusion: Dale was right. If Terence was good at anything, it was as a coach. In fact, despite of his questionable work activities, no one could deny that he was a great athlete.

She swallowed her pride and asked him to train her. Terence hated the idea, since he and Kelly couldn't be together for a minute without engaging into a fight. But Kelly is Dale's girlfriend, and he doesn't want to let his brother down. And, on the other hand, he and Kelly wouldn't have to talk at all during the training sessions, so he finally agreed. From now on Terry will be Kelly's personal trainer.

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