Aug 25, 2021

The End

But while Terence was training Kelly, Cynthia thought it was a good idea to flirt with Dale again. What she didn't know was that just at that moment, Kelly was looking out the window.

Kelly got extremely angry, and she took it out on Terence. 

Kelly: This was your idea. You asked Cynthia to flirt with Dale while I was busy, didn't you? Mother f***r!

Terence got mad. Of course it wasn't his idea. Cynthia was quite independent, and what an initiative she had! He'll settle the score with her later...

Terence: I may as well tell you, D. Get control of your woman or next time I won't hold myself back.
Dale: YOU get control of your woman. She doesn't just flirt with me, she does it with everybody. And don't you dare to touch Kelly, or you'll settle with me.
Terence: You don't want me to hurt her? Then take her from my sight. I don't want to see her around, you hear me. As far as I'm concerned, her training is over.

Dale: (for himself) This time Kelly really blew it. Now Terry can't stand the sight of her. Boy, what a mess! I think it's time to make a decision.

Kelly: So? What have you thought?
Dale: Well, I spent the whole afternoon looking for a nice place and I finally found something. We're moving out this next weekend. 
Kelly: Great! But - do you promise me not to see Cynthia again?
Dale: I promise.

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