May 8, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 49 - The Third Semester

The third semester wasn't so bad...

Except for this crazy machine called 'The Brain Enhancer'. 

Robin felt his brain was anything but "enhanced" after using it.

One of the good things that happened that term was that Robin finally got roomies: Manisha Kapoor and the Mullins brothers: Lukas and Eddy. 

All of them outstanding students and, thankfully, also friendly and peaceful. Robin wasn't lonely anymore!

During the third semester Robin was able to study quietly.

To attend and be early to all his classes.

Which, in the end, led him to better test scores.

Other good news was that, before he returned home, Tracey visited him at the dorm. They had a great time together, but he didn't propose to her yet or told her about his plan. Something inside of him told him he should wait, at least until after graduation.

So he packed his suitcase, said goodbye to his roomies and headed to Aurora Skies.

Perhaps he should make one last attempt to find Juliette?

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