May 15, 2021

Time Traveler: Episode 58 - Capacity to Love - Part 1

Fortunately for Robin (and for every bot builder in Oasis Landing), plumbots aren't resentful, so two days later, Bethany not only talked to him again, but she accepted to be tuned up by him as usual.
"Thanks, master Robin".

"You're welcome, Beth, but remember: I'm not your 'master', I'm your partner".
"Partner in crime?"
"What? No!" Robin answered, blushing.  "Partners as in co-workers. Yeah, that's what we are".
"Co-worker would kiss Bethany?"

"Sure", Robin answered, and pretended to kiss Bethany, by blowing a kiss into the air near her.

"Not that kind of kiss. Spark kiss".
"Uh - See Beth, co-workers don't spark kiss each other, okay?"
"Okay, master".
"Beth, again, I am not your master".
"Understood, master".

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