Dec 28, 2020

Landon and Celeste's Wedding

Landon informed his family that he would marry Celeste right away. His mother didn't like the idea, but she couldn't do anything about it. Landon had made his choice, so family and friends gather at The Rebels' house to attend the ceremony.

Landon asked Celeste to be patient with his mother, since she hadn't take the wedding thing very well. And told her as well that, due to personal disputes, his brothers and their respective wives wouldn't attend. Celeste took it easy, cause frankly, the less guests, the better for her.

Some of the attendees were indeed happy with Landon's marriage, namely his grandfather The Great Winston, and Katya Langerak, the daughter of The Amazing Jason and the groom's aunt.

Landon's father, Nick, was excited as well to see his son get married. And Celeste's classmate, Carlee Beauty, was also there to share her happiness.

Landon's friend Mugsy, The Rebels' bass player, even cried with emotion.

Kyle was a little worried, he's afraid that, once married, Landon will lose interest in music and in the band.

Debbie wishes the best for her friend, she's going to miss him but is happy for him, not Michelle, though, who still thinks he's too young to get married. As if his other two sons hadn't done the same! Boy, are the Casanovas precocious...

Anyway, the ceremony is over. Landon and Celeste are now husband and wife.

And they celebrate with a kiss.

Landon: "Let them say what they want, we are together now and nothing will separate us."

Nick: Congratulations to the two of you. Celeste, welcome to the Casanova family. 
Celeste: Aw, thank you so much, Mr. Casanova.
Nick: "No Mr. Casanova, please, you can call me Dad."
Landon: (Yes!)

"Time to cut the cake, where is mom?"

Michelle: "I'm here, sweetie, do you think I would miss it? By the way, congratulations... to the two of you".

Landon: (For himself) Was that all?

"Well, at least it's a start. Now to cut the cake".

Celeste spent the rest of the party trying to prevent his pregnancy from showing, but it was useless.

Kyle tries to be a good best man and friend.
"Patience, Lan, your mother will accept her sooner or later".
"I hope so".

Landon stayed in the garden, keeping Celeste company.

The rest of the guests gathered in the dining room.

Debbie escaped to the living room to be alone for a moment. She was thinking of Landon, in how much she would miss their University days. "Goodbye, bestie, I'll miss you".

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