Dec 27, 2020

Short Stay in Bridgeport, Back to Starligh Shores and... a Surprise

After the graduation, Landon went to Bridgeport to spend time there and try his luck with The Rebels band.

With the help of his parents he rented a house there, big enough to acommodate the other three band members.

Kyle was still in the University, but Landon proposed him to travel on weekends to play with them, and Kyle accepted.

Landon, Kyle, Debbie and Mugsy started playing for tips in parks.

They also got gigs in a few bars.

Unfortunately, they did not achieve the success they had hoped for, musically speaking.

But at least Mugsy and Debbie found each other.

Mugsy forgot about Alexa and started a relationship with Debbie, the crush was so strong that they are still together today.

Kyle, on the other hand, no matter how hard he looked in Bridgeport, he found no one to make his heart beat. 

And returned to the University alone.

Months later, alone as well and without much formality, Kyle graduated with a degree in Fine Arts. He was ready to join The Rebels full-time.

The band left Bridgeport to go to live in Starlight Shores, again all together in a house Landon got for them.

They started from zero, playing in parks with a bit more success that they did in Bridgeport (fortunately).

They also played in city bars and karaokes. The band started to take off, although very, very slowly.

Debbie and Mugsy's romance continue ahead at full speed.

They both were more in love than ever, and they 'fell in love' with Starlight Shores as well.

Celeste moved in with The Rebels, where she studied and practiced for her career, which she planned to finish very soon, but then something unexpected happened.

Celeste discovered that she was pregnant and told Landon immediately. He was obviously in shock.

At that moment he told her not to worry, that they were in this together, and that he'll do something about it, but the truth was that he didn't have the slightest idea what to do.

However, after thinking about it for a whole day (and without telling anything to his parents, of course), he made his decision, and that same night he proposed marriage to Celeste.

It wasn't difficult for them to take that step, cause, just like Mugsy and Debbie, they were both very much in love.

Problem solved, now he just had to tell his parents...

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