Aug 15, 2020

Jessica Returns to Al Simhara

On her next trip to Al Simhara, Jessica returned to the Pyramid of the Burning Sands to complete her ongoing adventure.

Just as she expected, the Flame Fruit plants had produced their fruits and were ready to be reaped.

Jessica didn't think twice and started to reap harvest them.

She just hade to take a few, but she decided to take them all, so could plant some at home.

When she finished she went straight to deliver them to her next contact, Mahmud Taymur.

"Your effort in this endeavor is to be commended, but perhaps we can put it to better use. MorcuCorp believes Helmi Hosni may have information on these relics they are looking for. Helmi Hosni knows about some sort of old book that may contain precious information that we need. Go get this information."

Jessica immediately headed for Helmi Hosni's house. But to get the information that Mahmud need, she had to befriend Helmi first.

"There's an ancient library, hidden in a house at the village, there you'll find a chest with the information you're looking for. I think you'll have to befriend the owners of the house in order to enter".

The Madboulis are friends with her father, so there would be no problem to enter the house and search for the secret library, but the night had almost fell and Jessica was feeling tired, so she'd return the next morning.

At the base camp she ran into her sister-in-law, Gloria Goth, who was there on vacation. Jessica and Gloria aren't the best of friends, but at least it was nice to see a friendly face. They both chatted for a while about family stuff.

Now to sleep, the adventure will continue tomorrow.

Note: The adventures dialogs aren't written by me, they belong to EA's The Sims 3 World Adventures game, in no way I take credit for them.

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