Aug 29, 2020

Horace and Pauline

Horace Langerak (son of Dustin and Zelda Mae) is still working as a life saver at the Sunset Valley Beach.

Horace and Pauline Wan were still living together without being married, but that afternoon when she returned home, a surprise awaited her.

Horace proposed marriage to her!

Pauline could hardly believe it...

After all these years together, it was about time!

"I have a surprise for you as well, I made you a birthday cake".

That day indeed was Horace's birthday, which made the moment even more special for he and Pauline. At the party were also their son Edward and their dog QT.

Horace blew out the candles.

Made a whish.

And the time came...

To become an adult.

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