Aug 29, 2020

Horace and Pauline (Part 2)

Once married, Horace took his duties as a family man very seriously, one of them was to give QT a bath.

And take him out for a walk. By the way, Horace changed his look for one more hip to continue para looking young now that he is an adult. (QT also looks much better).

And here they go, to explore Sunset Valley on a sunny day.

While she stayed at home, Pauline changed her appearance too with more comfy clothes and a more modern hairstyle.

Remember Pauline is already a senior, she's 'a few' years older than Horace, so she does everything she can to look better. And she succeeds cause he still loves her as much as the first day.

Oops, I think the sink needs to be repaired. (And the house could use some good cleaning).

Cleaning is not Pauline's specialty, so she goes out of the house to look for a peaceful spot where to study some skills.

Horace sure will sort out any problem emerging at the house while she relaxes a bit and socializes with some of her neighbors.

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