Jul 19, 2020

Romina, Ashley and Sarah Graduate too

Affer Jessica's graduation there was a small celebration with family and friends. As the evening fell, she, Romina and Ashley returned to Island Paradise. 

Only Harold and Troy stayed in the dorm, waiting for Romina to return.

Troy, disappointed, drinking and without saying a word.

He had no idea who this Royce Allani was, or why Jessica hadn't picked him, what he did know was that he wouldn't sit there with his arms crossed. He'd take some time to finish his Physical Education career and they he'd go to Island Paradise to look for her.

The next trimester, very early in the morning, Romina and Ashley returned, this time accompanied by Sarah.

The three of them would live in the same apartment. Harold would live with them; Troy knew that the three girls were on Royce's side and that created an awkward atmosphere, so he moved back to his previous dorm.

One trimester later, the long awaited graduation day arrived. Romina got her Physical Education degree.

Sarah got a Technology one.

And Ashley one in Business.

It was a rather lonely graduation, since most of their friends had graduated previously.

The only ones who attended were Romina's grandpartens, Robert and Camilla, with whom Harold hurried to introduce himself. It was good to start by getting to know his future family, since he and Romina had gotten engaged and planned to move in together when they arrived to Island Paradise. That would be of course after his own graduation.

For Romina, everything was a celebration that day: her graduation, her engagement with Harold, and the presence of her beloved family.

For Ashley it was a sad ocassion, since not even Sean had been able to attend, and Skip had gon on a vacation with his parents.

She and Romina returned immediately to Island Paradise, Sarah left shortly after. Harold would meet Romina at the end of the next trimester. Ashley had no idea what would happen with her and Sean.

A cycle had been completed for Romina, Ashley, Sarah and Jessica. What did the future hold for them in Island Paradise? Only time would tell.

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