May 10, 2020

What Happened With Simon and Holly?

What happened after Holly told Simon, shortly before graduation, that she was pregnant?

Well, Simon did what's right, he graduated with honors from the Science and Medicine career first.

Then he returned to Isla Paraiso taking Holly with him, and once there, he proposed marriage to her.

Simon and Holly got married in a small ceremony attended only by family and close friends.

Tony breath with relief and was glad that Simon finally had settled down.

Simon has stabilized after the shock of his divorce from Pania. He's the first to leave the parental home, now Daniel and Jessica are left. Bradley still leaves with his mom cause he's still underage.

Simon called his first son Anthony, in honor to his father. (Though Tony's name is just Tony, not Anthony, but Simon insisted).

Immediately after Anthony, the twins Lara and Ruby came.

Simon has had to combine work with paternity. When he's not on call he takes care of the kids while Holly works at the Science Investigation Center.

Simon has proved to be an excellent father, he's caring and protective.

Once in a while he follows the adventurous nature he gets from his father.

Sometimes he travels with him, mostly to Shang Simla, which is his favorite destination.

But from all the things in life, his favorite is to be with his Holly and their children. He wouldn't leave them for anything or anybody.

Being the father of three already, Simon has taken his career more seriously. In the beginning he dedicated himself to give medical care to the people of the community.

Today he's a full time Trauma Surgen at the Cassandra Steele Memorial Hospital of Island Paradise, known before as just "El Hospital". His father bought it and named it after Simon's mother. 

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