Even after the separation of the Langerak-Dumont couple life continued its course. Reneé kept on woriking and, little by little, she got used to living alone with her daughters, to take care of them.
Although she still missed Jason, she managed to live without him, even during the winter which was fairly bitter that year.
Jason didn't forget his duties as a father and visited their daughter frequently to spend time with them, especially with Josie, who was in the middle of her final exams.
Soon she would graduate from Highs School and star her University Life, far from Sunset Valley.
Josie had to study a lot to pass the exams, finish high school with high grades and thus get enough credits to make it easier for them to enter the University. All this stressed her a lot, but her father's frequent visits brightened her days and relieved her stress.
That same winter, Reneé threw a birhday party for Josie, but as she wasn't a very good cook, she preferred to order pizza.
The guest of honor was of course Jason, who surprised her with a flower bouquet.
Although they tried by all means to disguise it, they seemed happy to see each other. Reneé found it difficult not to get her hopes up at Jason's unexpected gallantry. What do these flowers mean? Were they a symbol of friendship or of a possible reconciliation?
"Oh, Jay, you brought me flowers, that's very sweet from you, darling!"
"Poor Jason, you can tell he's still crazy in love with me. Tonight he will surely apologize to me and ask me to make up with him".
Reneé wasn't wrong about Jason's feeling. The truth, he missed her a lot too, after all she was the only woman he had ever loved in his life. Too bad pride always eneded up blinding him.
"Oh, it's nothing but flowers, dear... (If she thinks I'll take the first step she's very wrong. It's her who should apologize to me).
None of these thoughts prevented Josie's party from being a success.
For the first time in a long time the family was together in an atmosphere of complete joy. With them were Josie's best friend, Malcom Laandgrab, and his mother Nancy.
After blowing out the candles on the cake, Josie became a young adult.
Shortly after, Josie graduated from high school. Now she was ready to start her University life.
She celebrated it by drinking the Potion of Bliss, a gift from his father.
That same day was Katya's birthday...
Another great event in which Jason of course was present. In fact, it was one of the happiest days the Langeraks spent together before Josie's departure.
With the help of her father, Katya blew out the candles on her cake.

And with that she became a child. Right the next morning, she'd start attending the Sunset Valley Elementary School.
During the celebration. Reneé was the happiest. She was pleased not only because now Katya was a 'big girl', but because now she would have more time for herself, her career, and -maybe-, she would be able to get Jason back.
A reconciliacion didn't seem impossible now, after all, time had gone by, and both of them had matured. Maybe it was the moment to leave pride and grudge behind, admit that they couldn't leave without each other?
For now, they had something similar to a friendship, which was better than nothing. Sadly, after Josie's departure for the University, Reneé had to move to Hidden Springs for professional reasons, taking Katya with her. And though, months later, Jason moved there too, work, tours and other stuff related to their professions separated them again.
However, inspite of their many occupations, their friendship was kept alive. None of the two lost hope to be able to be together again some day.
And that day was closer than they expected.
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