After the long time off Reneé took for herself after Katya's birth, the day finally came for her to do what she liked the most: to sing.
Her first job was a performance at the park, which, by the way, was also her first official show in Sunset Valley. For a moment, Reneé thought it would all be ruined cause, as she arrived to the park, it started to rain. To her luck, by showtime the rain has stopped, the stars were sparkling and everything went wonderfully.
Unfortunately, things at home weren't going as well as in her job. Problems between she and Jason continued. They had argueddaily and unceasingly for weeks, until one night, just before Reneé's show at the Karaoke, the subject of the incident at the Port-A-Party emerged again. The reproaches and accusations flew; not even the presence of little Katya stopped them. They called, insulted and yelled at each other, then Jason finally uttered the forbidden word: divorce.
Reneé was shocked, she never imagined that Jason would go to such lengths.
That night she was promoted to Superstar, but she was so distressed that she didn't even enjoyed it, much less celebrate it.
"Divorce? No, this can't be. This has to be a dream, a very bad dream".

But it wasn't a dream, Jason was seriours, his patience had run out. Reneé had not only betrayed him, she rarely ever was at home to take care of Josie and Katya. Whern she wasn't working, she was partying out and he couldn't take that situation anymore. He had to put an end to it, so the next morning he sent Reneé the petition for divorce.
In the evening, his show was a success, the reviews rated him as 'impressive' and Jason was promoted to Illusionist, the level 9 of his career.
He was only one step away from the top, but... what use was all of that now that his marriage was terminated?
Josie was the most affected by the situation. Having finished high school she wasn't a guest at their house anymore, she'd have to live there permanently until the day came to leave for the University, something she had dreamed about for years, but now she wasn't really enjoying it.
In spite of her good character, the difficulties between her mom and dad put her in a bad mood, not to mention the fact that she had to take care of Katya practically 24/7, since her parents were always working, when they were not fighting, that is.
Looking after her little sister didn't bother her, but after so many days of confinement and problems, she started to feel suffocated.
Her father was rarely ever at home, and if he was, he spent his time drinking or playing with Merlin; or doing the impossible so as not to meet face to face with Reneé. It was a very tense situation, but for better or for worse, it was about to end.
The divorce proceedings had been initiated and Jason was already looking for another place to live, he was just doing time now, and trying to cope with the situation. Fortunately for Josie, by the time it was all over she would be far away from all the conflict, safe at the University.
The day they said goodbye was sad and awkward. Before leaving the house for good, Jason gave a kiss to his daughters and promised to visit them as often as he could.
He said goodby to Reneé quickly and coldly and got out without looking back.
Once on her own, Reneé had to slow down his work pace to be able to take care of Katya, a situation that got on her nerves, not to mention that she missed Jason like hell. At that time she still had hope that, during one of his visits, he would agree to talk to her, forgive her and return to her side.
Sure, it was easier for her to live in denial than accepting reality as it was: Jason had left, and this time apparently forever.
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