Memories of May 15, 2013
In the evenening, Shantel, Kay, Aaron and Antoine headed for the great-grandparents party.
Farid and Kim estaban were living temporarily at the cabin, but soon they will move to their new house. Apparentlyl, they had already found what they were looking for, that was what they were celebrating.
Kay was able to talk extensively with her mother, Elisa, and aunt Aimee.
Antoine also ran into someone of his family: his grandmother Layla.
Another guests was Wylie Luck, Kay's aunt Sabrina Goth's husband.
But they wree all so tired that they decided to leave early. Shantel and Kay were the first to leave. Good thing the next day was Saturday and they didn't have to work.

Aaron stayed a bit longer so he had the chance to talk to Fardi Kamel, who is not his great-grandfather, but his great-uncle, cause he's his father Khaled Wassem's half-brother.
I would never finish mentioning each and every one of the guests, but suffice it to say that the vast majority of the family attended the party. The Kamels, the Langeraks, the Goths, among others. It was a great opportunity to see each other again, and for some, to even meet for the first time.
A little later than the girls, Antoine returned home too. He took a cab cause he had left his car to Shantel and Kay.
Kay, in turn, left her car to Aaron, who had to go to the bookstore for some Gardening books he needed.
Shantel, already at home, a bit sad cause Shark wasn't able to go to the party with her, but happy at the same time for having seen the great part of her family, and also because that afternoon, just like her roomies, she had gotten a promotion in her job. Now she was a Freelance Writer!
They all went straight to bed, but Shantel had a bit of insomnia, so she decided to take a Hydrotherapy bath to relax.
Boy, was it relaxing, and very pleasant! Now she felt much better.
But it wasn't enough with Hydrotherapy, so she also took a good Mud Bath.
Then she tried to make herself something to eat, but that night it was proven that cooking was not heer strong suit. Well, she would eat something quick and go to sleep. The important thing was, culinary failure aside, it had been a great day for her and her roomies. Their life as independent young adults, seemed to be going well. Hopefully it would continue like that.
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