Mar 10, 2014

Three Approved Exams and a Double Celebration

May 5, 2013

Friday, 6 am. Time to get up!

Heading for the first term final exams.

Hours later, Sandy is going to her third and last exam after approving the first two.

She also approved the third, Psichology of Journalism. As she got out she noticed that it was still raining, but she's free for now and she has two parties to attend.

When she got home, she took the time to practice the speech she would give the next week.

In the afternoon, she attended the Sorority party, which wasn't very lively, but at least the girls celebration was attended by distinguished members of the Fraternity like Nathan Wirght, Ludo Vicco and Mahmoud Yavari.

That evening, Sandy started drinking early thanks to Carlee, who made sure she would drink enough 'juice'¿ from the keg she had brought especially for the ocassion. She told her she was too serious, she had to have more fun, etc. Sandy drank very little, but that was just the beginning...

Sandy was having a blast until, just in the middle of the celebration, a policeman showed up and scolded her in a rude manner.Or so it seemed to her. She didn't like his attitude at all, it was like an insult for her guests. 
"You have gone too far, officer McNeil, your superiors will know about this", Sandy informed him.

She let him know as well that her uncle Anwar was the Police Chief of Hidden Springs and her father, Amin Kamel, was no less than the Mayor! Too bad the officer couldn't care less about whose daughter or niece she was, and cancelled the party anyway. Sandy didn't care either, cause another party was starting at the Fraternity house.

Arriving to the second party, Mahmoud challenged Sandy to a game of Juice Pong. "So you defy me? Okay, I'll show you how this game is played".
Sandy started fine by winning the first shot.

Unfortunately, Mahmoud won the second...
"That's okay, it's not the first glass I drink tonight".

On the third shot, Mahmoud won again. Sandy had to serve her punishment without protest. At the end of the match she had lost and, to top it off, as it was the costume in the Fraternity, Mahomoud challenged threw her another challenge.

"You have to kiss a random sim. It can be anyone in here. Choose whoever you want".
And guess who Sandy chose...

If she hadn't had so much to drink, she would probably not have dared to kiss Mahmoud. But the case was she was drunk and Mahmoud was the only guy she knew well, so she didn't think twice.

"Sorry, Mahmoud. It was for the challenge, you were my only option, please don't get mad".

"Get mad, at you? Never!", he immediately answered.

And kissed her back, knowing that was neeeded to complete the challenge. Sandy let herself go and the kiss wasn't unpleasant at all. Maybe it was the 'juice', maybe it was just the heat of the moment.

Whatever it was, it hadn't been right and she knew it.Once again her fidelity had been called into question! 
"You know, Mahomoud? This shouldn't have happened".
 "Believe me, I never wanted to take advantage of you, I just wanted to help. I know how this challenge works. If your kiss isn't reciprocatd, you lose the 100 simoleons." 
"100 Simoleones? I did what I did for 100 simoleons??"

"Well for another kiss like that one, I can give you $1000."
"Forget it, Moud. The challenge is over. Besides, I don't need money. I better go back to the party".

Back upstairs, Sandy got yet one more challenge: she had to get the Super Juice Mood. In other words, she had to get drunk. She accepted just because she was already drunk, otherwishe she would've never done what she had just done. Plus only getting even drunker she would forget the stupidity she had committed downstairs in the basement. The truth was she wasn't far from being drunk as a skunk so she completed her third challenge instantly.

Three challenges in just one night, that was too much. Sandy didn't want any more toruble so she spent the rest of the night in a corner, drinking. 
"That's it, it's over. No more challenges, no more kisses, no  more juice pong".

Before leaving the party she apologized to Mahmoud and asked him please not to tell anyone what had happened there. 
"Don't worry, Sands. What happens in the Fraterny, stays in the Fraternity!"
What a great comfort! ... Not.

Fortunately, the Sorority dorm was just a block away, otherwise Sandy would've had to drive drunk from all the juice she'd had. Thankfully it was a weekend and she didn't have class the next morning!

She closed the night playing chess in Farah's former bedroom.
 "Aww, Farah, how I miss you! I wish we could've come to Uni together. We would have had so much fun!."

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