Feb 21, 2014

Fourth Generation Ends, Fifth Starts

Katya Langerak, Fourth Generation sim

With Katya Langerak, who I posted last week, I hereby terminate the Fourth Generation. Shortly I'll start posting the sims corresponding to the Fifth Generation, so, to facilitate the distinction between generations, I've added the tags Second Generation, Third Generation, Fourth Generation...  and so on to each Sims Downloads posts.

The first sim of the Fifth Generation is Melissa Langerak, who is Katya's niece, since Katya's father, Jason, is Melissa's father Mike's uncle.

Melissa Langerak, Fifth Generation sim.

Although the Fifth is, for now, the last generation, they are many sims to post, since this generation is growing fast, not to mention that there are already some Sixth Generation sims! That is the case of Omar Steele. 

Omar Steele, Sixth Generation sim.

Omar is the son of > Dahlia Hamming, who is the daughter of >Kamillah Langerak, who is the daughter of >Milton Langerak, who is the son of >Layla Kamel, who is the daughter of Farid and Kim Kamel, the legacy founders. See? Six generations! :D