April 14, 2013
The next evening, Gwyneth and Calvin went bowling.
Calvin concentrated himself to make his first shot.
He finally threw the ball and...
He wasn't very lucky, what a fall! Gwyneth doesn't even dare to look.
"Calvin, are you okay?"
"Ah it was nothing, don't worry, dear".
And Calvin gets ready for his second shot.
The second one was much better. At least Calvin didn't fall this time.
When they finished, Gwyneth did some improvements to the mechanism to turn it into a "cosmic bowling'... whatever that means.
Meanwhile, Calvin had fun with 'Zombi Attack'.
They had return home abruptly cause it was already 2 am, and they both had classes in the morning. The Cosmic Bowling as well as the Zombi Attack would remain pending for now.
Wednesday, 6:40 am. Gwyneth had just slept four hours and if she didn't hurry she'd be late for her class. She was dead sleepy and hungry, but last night had been well worth it.
Graduation day is coming soon. These are the first days of Spring, and the last of Gwyneth at the Uni.
"What a beautiful blue sky, I hope the weather continue like this for the outdoors art practice tomorrow".
After class, Gwyneth went to the Proving Ground at the School fo Science, to experiment a bit with energy, molecules, protons and other scientific stuff.
"Hm, let's see - Interface with the Green Mind Meld Module... Sounds interesting".
With just a few minutes working at the module, Gwyneth increased her level at the Rebels social group, so she took a few seconds to celebrate her achievement. (Wait isn't that Cid Serverus in the background? Wasn't he suppossed to be deceased? This must be a flaw in the Matrix, lol).
When she returned to the module, she discovered a switch that she hadn't seen before.
Without thinking twice she pulled the switch down and a bright beam emerged from the center of the machine. Suddenly, the atmosphere was charged with a great energy.
"Gwyneth Huan has linked succesfully to the Hive Mind. Now she can build up a skill at an accelerated rythm", a voice annoucend from inside the machine.
Gwyneth and all the other students were all linked up to the Hive Mind and Gywneth's Science level improved to 4. Now she new the necessary to examin plants,it was just a matter of finding one to her liking and start analizing it. "Wow, too many plants, too little time!"
Carrying that glow on her head was somewhat strange, but it would be there aproximately five hours. Gwyneth should make the most of every minute to improve her skills.
"I may look crazy with this on my head, but I know that when I tell grandpa Mortimer about this, he'll be proud of me".
"We are the Hive Mind, a super hive in motion, a big mental force. That's what we, the powerful Goths are".
"Although, to tell the truth, my Hive Mind hasn't warmed me up. I almost froze out there. The fireplace, yes... Oh, yes, I feel much better now".
Gwyneth was so busy with Science that she forgot about the Fraternity party, but at least, her Hive Mind was gone. It was an intense experience, but great at the same time. Later she would call Calvin to tell him what had happened, Now all she needed was a good dinner and many hours of sleep.
In the early morning, something luminous hovered over the dorm. Gwyneth was afraid it would be the aliens or something like that. Fortunately, dawn brok and the odd shine vanished. Gwyneth breathed in relief. What an extraordinary night!
(Now she knows that shine has something to do with the Unicorns).
Quizás se achicharró el cerebro con la máquina y ahora ve ovnis. jajajajajja
Cierto! Como no lo había pensado! O tal vez eran los aliens los que estaban detrás de la Super Mente, como una forma de control de los humanos, no sé. Jajaja.
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