April 8, 2013
Back in Monte Vista, Dean got ready to start his new life.
The first thing he did was to talk with his cousin Gwyneth about his decision regarding Michelle. Gwyneth agreed it was the best for both of them, although Michelle obviously wasn't going to take it well.
Even so, Dean gathered the courage to talk to her. Thinking it was best to be honest, he bluntly confessed to her everything he had done in college.
Michelle of course got angry when he knew about Dean's affairs with Nicole, Mika and Asala.
"I knew I couldn't trust you, especially after all that mess with the stupid Shantel!"
And following, she slapped him. Dean endured the whole thing without defending himself because, truly, he had no interest in fixing things and, besides, he admitted that he well deserved it.

But he thought necessary to clarify that he had never lied to her regarding Shantel. Michell knew very well that he was in love with Shantel and even so she had asked him to go back together. Dean accepted then because he thought that it would work, and that it would help him to forget Shantel. But his relationship with Michelle hadn't worked, or will ever do.
"Michelle, please understand, we follow different paths. You want to be a singer, I want to be a musician. You dream about moving to Starlight Shores; I want to go to Bridgeport. We never agree on anything!"
"You're right, it will never work, less after the way you've behaved. I've been a fool believing that you had changed. You ruined it, Dean. You really did, I hope you are satisfied. Now get out of my sight forever!"
Michelle went in the house in a rage. Dean knew he had hurt her deeply, but there was no turning back. This time it was the final goodbye.
"Well, goodbye forever this time, Michelle".

William, Michelle's brother, reproached Dean for his way of handling things, but he set clear that there wouldn't be any hardfeelings, cause since the beginning he knew Dean and Michelle weren't made for each other. He only asked him to get as far away from her as possible so as not to hurt her any more.
Esa misma noche se despidió de Gwyneth, se mudó a un hotel y al día siguiente, muy temprano, salió de Monte Vista... para siempre.
Michelle, por su parte, decidió que no volveria a la Universidad. Después le envió un correo a su hermana Miranda, anunciándole su llegada y días después salió rumbo a Starlight Shores.
En casa sólo quedaron William y Gwyneth, pero como nunca se habían llevado nada bien, decidieron que irían a la
Universidad por separado. Gwyneth iría primero. William se quedaría y seguiría con su trabajo en la Estación de Bomberos.
Así quedaron las cosas en Monte Vista. En los siguientes días, Gwyneth comenzaría los preparativos para marcharse a la Universidad.
Me encanta ese vestido amarillo! :D
Gracias! Sí está padrísimo. A mi también me gusta muchísimo. :)
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